Happy Sunday! Anyone else out in the cyber world, writing blogs and not watching football? I'm sitting here in my chaise, in front of the fireplace, talking to you all while my fiance watches his football. I love our Sundays...they work for us! :)
A ceramic colleague friend of mine,
Mark Campbell, started a contest on
Facebook page last week. He asked us to submit our favorite photos, and a group of judges (not him) would judge on the best photo. He would then take that photo and use it as a decal on a vase that he made and gift it to the winner. You can see the contest
HERE. I entered a picture of me and my punkerhead. <3 This photo was taken over Thanksgiving this year. He is my pride and joy!!! He lives with his father most of the time due to my health. It sucks. But, we make the best of it! Needless to say, I did not win the contest this time around. The competition was steep! There were lots of great photographs submitted.
I get asked at times why I am so friendly with other ceramic artists and potters when they are my direct competition. We each have our individual talents and pieces we enjoy making. Mark is very talented and does some amazing decal work. I, on the other hand, have no desire (nor the proper equipment) to begin doing decal work. I like making my small, handmade pieces. The detail is what I enjoy. While I know I will probably never be able to make mass quantities due to this level of detail and personalization; it is what I enjoy. AND I can do it even when my legs choose to hate me that day and hurt like hell! heh By speaking with and collaborating with a myriad of potters and ceramic artists, we all take what we can from one another's experiences. We help one another to become the best we can be. It is the camaraderie I miss now that I am no longer in the military. We may never meet in person, but our virtual relationships are true and impacting.
You can find Mark's Ceramic business on
Facebook and