Today, is August 7, 2013. 3 days.... that's it... 3 days until I become Mrs. Barnes. So much left to do, but so much that has already been done! I posted a tutorial last week about how I made our wedding favors. I'm hoping they're a big hit, and everyone likes them. :) I thought that doing the whole "DIY" wedding thing would be easy... Boy was I wrong! It seems like the littlest things can affect the entire event. Our rental for tables and chairs fell through so we have been scrambling trying to figure that out.. Pretty sure we've got it squared away... But jeez! Have you ever tried finding someplace to rent/sign out tables and chairs less than 2 weeks out from a wedding? NOT an easy task... But we have mason jars filled with blue glass stones that will have small candles in them hung all over the yard... Glass jars with the same fabric used to create the boys' kilts wrapped around them with daisies inside, all set up along the aisle, and then moved to the tables to decorate them for the reception. Programs printed, food is being taken care of my family... good lord. I'm pretty happy that I get along so well with my future in-laws. They have truly been amazing! I will say... that all this wedding planning has put a HUGE dent in my sales for my pottery.... I put my Etsy store on vacation, and it kind of sucks not having that income filtering in. May not have been much, but it was enough to allow me to replenish my glazes and such. I am hoping to open the store back up again very shortly after the wedding... Anyway... I'm sure there is something I should be doing, final wedding prep and such... so off I go for now! TTYS! Thank you for stopping by!
I may be biased.. I know that I have been gloating about those that are close to me and how happy I am for them because of different aspects in their lives... Today is no different. My little sister, Andrea, is an AMAZING person!! For the last 6 years, she has been competing at national and international levels for biathlon (skiing and marksmanship). After a knee injury and surgery where they actually had to take a ligament from her hip and put it in her knee... it became evident that her competitive days were coming to an end. Did that stop her though? Oh hell no. She has moved to Utah with her boyfriend (who is also a competitive athlete from Canada) and started going to school for massage therapy. She was salutatorian of her high school class, and is not afraid to be her own person. I've never met anyone as quirky, happy go lucky, passionate, and animated as my little sister. Her happiness is all that matters. I could not be more proud of the young adult she has become, and is continuing to grow into! Andrea, I love you babygirl! Keep up the hard work, and you will achieve anything and everything you set your eyes on!!
As I was making my wedding favors...I thought this might be a good time to create my first tutorial on how I make them. Little back story... My fiance and I are getting married August 10, 2013 and we live in northern Maine. One of Maine's slogans is "The Way Life Should Be". Well, that's what our relationship is like. We've been together almost 2 years, and it has been amazing! We have had our share of ups and downs...but we have managed to come out on top, happier and stronger than before. So that was the inspiration for our favors. Well... Here goes!